"BPA free" leading brand baby bottle contains high traces of the toxic chemical


Health Canada recently tested "BPA free" baby bottles and discovered that Dr. Brown's Natural flow bottles showed trace amounts of 0.9 parts per billion after being in water for 238 hours at 60 C.

Dr. Brown's Natural flow bottle has been one of the leading names in baby bottles over the past five years.

Other "BPA-free" brands with detectable levels under these conditions, ranging from 0.002 to 0.025 part per billion, included Gerber, Medela, Whittlestone, Nuby and a house brand sold at a dollar store in Canada.

There were no detectable levels found in the BornFree and Thinkbaby bottles after 238 hours. The Green to Grow brand was not analyzed at the 238-hour mark after Health Canada found no detectable levels after 94 hours.

Thinkbaby bottles showed no detectable levels after two hours, 22 hours and 94 hours, while BornFree showed minute traces at the two-hour mark, but came up completely clean after that.

Health Canada did not include the Adiri Natural Nurser bottle — pitched to parents as "100 per cent BPA free" — in the water migration survey.

Surprisingly in a second test using 10 % ethanol, Health Canada found small levels of the chemical in one of the four time-specified readings. Those brands were Adiri, Dr. Brown and Whittlestone.

Shelley Aronoff, co-founder of Green to Grow, said in the case of her branded bottles, the results just don't add up.

While Health Canada found minute trace — 0.0014 part per billion — after two hours at 60 C, there were no detectable levels after 94 hours. All studies involving polycarbonate bottles show an upward tick in leaching over time and with higher temperatures.

"I just don't know how you could go from detected to non-detected," Aronoff said Friday. "I just don't have faith in these test results."

Health Canada does say however that the trace amounts should be of no concern to parents.

"Bottles made from non-polycarbonate plastic may contain very low level, trace amounts of BPA resulting from cross-contamination caused by the ubiquitous nature of BPA. Detection of BPA in the non-polycarbonate plastic bottles may also be due to improved sensitivity of instruments in laboratories. There is often no such thing as absolute zero due to cross-contamination and prevalence of many substances in the natural environment," Health Canada told CBC News in an email.

According to records released under the Access to Information Act, these test results surprised all of the Health Canada scientists involved. No kidding! A company who claims their product is "BPA free" when it in fact is not, is either not paying enough attention to the production or is putting out false claims.

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