Martha Stewart's Vegetarian Thanksgiving Special

Martha Stewart dedicated her last week (November 19) to a Vegetarian Thanksgiving. Not only did she prepare a meat-free feast, but the domestic guru took the opportunity to educate her audience about the facts on factory farming. Author Jonathan Safran Foer (of “Eating Animals”) and filmmaker Robert Kenner (Food, INC.) joined Martha on Thursday's show to bring awareness to the truths of this terrible industry.

After the show, Foer spoke to saying:

“I was on Martha Stewart today, along with the director of Food, Inc., a veg chef, and a family farmer. I couldn’t possibly have been more impressed by how Martha handled things. Firstly, to devote an entire show to the horrors of the meat industry without feeling a need to offer the industry a voice. Secondly, she came right out and said the meat industry is bad. She didn’t mince her words. She wasn’t cagey or indirect. She spoke plainly and openly about the secrecy, about how they went after Oprah, about how they torture animals (her words), about how she’s going to have a vegetarian Thanksgiving. She told her audience, “You’ll probably agree with just about all of the conclusions in Jonathan’s book.” Frankly, she came off as further down the spectrum than I did.”

Missed the show? Check out Martha's website for clips on how to make Fox’s celery root stuffing and Brussels sprout side dish, and Foer’s vegetable orzo casserole. Yum!

Source: Ecorazzi


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